We're having a door decorating contest at work and each department that wanted to play along had to pick one door. Some of the rules were:

90% of the door had to be covered
Candy could not be used as part of the decorum
You had to use at least one "supply" that is found in your department
No gore/violence
Lights were allowed (but no candles ::grin::)
You're limited to $30
I wanted to try to do a headless horseman riding through a graveyard but couldn't figure out a way to do it with the carts I have and make it look right. So I decided to try a trick or treating "scene".
For this "card" I used the Paper Dolls Dress Up cart and made the following cuts:
Haunted House at 12" (bottom windows are covered in glitter)
Two trees at 12" (cut from two different shades of brown and entertwined)
Remaining trees cut at 4"
Ghosts cut at 2 1/2"
Picket fence at 2"
Skeleton at 4"
Trick or Treaters were cut at 5"
Treat bags cut at 2"
s cut at 6" (this is where I used our office "supply" - business cards for myself, Resort Manager and Assistant Resort Manager)

Ravens cut at 1 1/2"
Bats cut at 1 or 1 1/2"
I used Accent Essentials to cut the circle for my moon and Child's Year for my witch but I do not remember the sizes I cut.....sorry.
The stars were cut using my Sizzix.
I am not a colorer but broke into my daughter's crayons to "color" the sky/grass/road. I then spot sprayed adhesive to the sky so that I could adhere random bits of glitter.

After my husband help me hang the "card" (yep, I work with my husband - and I love it - we've been working together for years) we poked holes and worked my lights into the sky.....
Judging takes place on Saturday so wish me well.....