Happy Friday. I don't know about you but I looking forward to a three day weekend!
Today's card is brought to you by Pause Dream Enjoy Challenges where this week our directive was to use either a chickie or birdie on our card. And as you can tell I opted for not just any birdie but 'super' birdie. I was going through my paper stash the other day and came across this Marvel Comics paper I snatched up when it was clearanced at Michaels. Then I found this great bird cut on the 3 Birds on Parade cartridge and knew that I had to make this card.
The cuts for the inside are also from the 3 Birds on Parade cartridge but the paper here is from the All About Boys mat stack. The little added stars were used primarily to cover up a point in the star that wasn't pointed (don't you love it when a 'mistake' gives you a reason to up your game). In the end I think that the added stars provide just the right bling.
So now that you've seen my take on this week's challenge hop on over to Pause Dream Enjoy and check out all the other great designs our team has created for you today. Then create your own project, link up and play along with us for your chance to win a $5 gift certificate from this week's sponser Clear Dollar Stamps.
Where the Path May Lead - Stairstep Challenge
on Thursday, August 30, 2012
Camp Out,
Going Places
Comments: (4)
Happy Thursday everyone. I have another challenge that I would like to share with you today. This one is for Just a Scrappin, and our directive this week was to make a stair step card.
I went to work early on this one because I missed the last one by a day and with the potential of Isaac coming our way (I live in the NW Florida) I didn't want to chance missing it again this week. So off I went soul searching for ideas when I came across a couple of leftover cuts I still had from some Boy Scout invitations I made for my sister back in 2009.
That's right ladies and gentlemen - never throw away a perfectly good die cut because you never know when you might be able to use it. As a matter of fact I have a whole bucket just for leftover cuts and they're organized by "theme" too. But I digress.....
With left over cuts in hand my stairstep card was born - I mean created. For this one I used:
Camping out for the mountains cut as different sizes; and
Going Place for the hikers cut at 1 1/2"
The sky background with the sentiment is simply a rectangle that was cut and adhered to the very back "step" to help add even more depth/dimension to the card. I gotta tell ya, I'm very pleased with the way this card turned out.
And now that you've seen my creation for this week's challenge, hop on over to Just A Scrappin to see the rest of the teams awesome work this week. Then get your creative juices flowing and create a stairstep card, link up and play along with us. I can't wait to see what you come up with.
I went to work early on this one because I missed the last one by a day and with the potential of Isaac coming our way (I live in the NW Florida) I didn't want to chance missing it again this week. So off I went soul searching for ideas when I came across a couple of leftover cuts I still had from some Boy Scout invitations I made for my sister back in 2009.
That's right ladies and gentlemen - never throw away a perfectly good die cut because you never know when you might be able to use it. As a matter of fact I have a whole bucket just for leftover cuts and they're organized by "theme" too. But I digress.....
With left over cuts in hand my stairstep card was born - I mean created. For this one I used:
Camping out for the mountains cut as different sizes; and
Going Place for the hikers cut at 1 1/2"
The sky background with the sentiment is simply a rectangle that was cut and adhered to the very back "step" to help add even more depth/dimension to the card. I gotta tell ya, I'm very pleased with the way this card turned out.
And now that you've seen my creation for this week's challenge, hop on over to Just A Scrappin to see the rest of the teams awesome work this week. Then get your creative juices flowing and create a stairstep card, link up and play along with us. I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Happy Birthday - Color Play Challenge
on Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Mickey and Friends
Comments: (2)
Happy Wednesday everyone. Today I'd like to share a birthday card with you that I made for my Grandma's 89th birthday. It is also my DT challenge card for Cricut Cardz Challenge. Our challenge this week - "make a card using any cartridge(s) and any theme you’d like, BUT using the colors red, yellow, and blue ONLY. You may also use black and white as accent colors."
I'm not sure why but this was a difficult challenge for me......Until..... I thought about Mickey and Minnie. As you can tell Mickey and Friends is the only cartridge I used for this challenge.
As for the Happy Birthday on either side. I created a text box on each side of my card and typed in my letters - easy peasy.
And now that you've seen my take on this week's challenge pop on over and see all the other AWESOME creations our team has in store for you this week. Then after you've been amply inspired, create your own, link up and play along with us.
I'm not sure why but this was a difficult challenge for me......Until..... I thought about Mickey and Minnie. As you can tell Mickey and Friends is the only cartridge I used for this challenge.
As for the Happy Birthday on either side. I created a text box on each side of my card and typed in my letters - easy peasy.
And now that you've seen my take on this week's challenge pop on over and see all the other AWESOME creations our team has in store for you this week. Then after you've been amply inspired, create your own, link up and play along with us.
Rocket Ride - Published July 2012
on Friday, August 24, 2012
A Child's Year,
Stand and Salute
Comments: (1)
Happy Friday everyone. This morning I wanted to re-share with you a card that was originally made last year for one of the Cricut Cardz Challenges but was also just published in the July edition of Cricut Magazine.
For this card I used:
A Child's Year for the silhouette of the boy on the rocket cut at 2".
Stand and Salute for the flags cut at 3" - one of which was 'flipped'. For the stars on my flags I used a metallic paint.
For my background paper I chose the Tim Holtz seasonal mat stack as this particular paper just made the cuts pop thus giving a great overall look to the card.
For this card I used:
A Child's Year for the silhouette of the boy on the rocket cut at 2".
Stand and Salute for the flags cut at 3" - one of which was 'flipped'. For the stars on my flags I used a metallic paint.
For my background paper I chose the Tim Holtz seasonal mat stack as this particular paper just made the cuts pop thus giving a great overall look to the card.
Hot Chocolate Anyone?
on Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Everyday Pop Up Cards,
Jolly Holidays,
Joys of the Season,
Life's a Beach,
Winter Frolic
Comments: (3)
I have been busy crafting away this past week trying to get myself ready for my craft show season which starts next month with our local Oktoberfest. And the one thing that I promised myself I'd have plenty of were the hot chocolate holders that went like crazy last year. I only made a dozen of them because I wasn't sure how they'd do and let me tell ya, I was sold out in the first hour. Of course it'll be my luck that I'll be ready for them this year and they won't sell as quickly. If that should be the case that's okay because they'll still make great gifts!
With that here's my first batch of hot chocolate holders. I took my pictures in groups by the cartridges I used to help make it easier for everyone to see.
First up in the lead picture above we have the ones that were made using the Joys of the Season cartridge.
These were all made using Jolly Holidays - one of my favorite Christmas cartridges to date. Then again, they're all my favorites so who knows what I'm talking about. (grin)
These were made using Winter Frolic, Doodlecharms and Life's a Beach.....hey I live in Florida so I couldn't pass up the opportunity to use a couple of flamingos this year...........
Oh and lest I forget, I used the mug cut from Everyday Pop Ups and George to create the slit for my packet of hot chocolate to slip into.
With that here's my first batch of hot chocolate holders. I took my pictures in groups by the cartridges I used to help make it easier for everyone to see.
First up in the lead picture above we have the ones that were made using the Joys of the Season cartridge.
These were all made using Jolly Holidays - one of my favorite Christmas cartridges to date. Then again, they're all my favorites so who knows what I'm talking about. (grin)
These were made using Winter Frolic, Doodlecharms and Life's a Beach.....hey I live in Florida so I couldn't pass up the opportunity to use a couple of flamingos this year...........
Oh and lest I forget, I used the mug cut from Everyday Pop Ups and George to create the slit for my packet of hot chocolate to slip into.
Flocking In....
on Friday, August 17, 2012
Accent Essentials,
Life's a Beach
Comments: (2)
Happy Friday everyone! Can you believe it's finally here? I don't know about you but I didn't think Friday was ever going to come this week. And since it's here that means it's time for another Pause Dream Enjoy Design Team Challenge.
This week our team put together a bunch of great designs featuring pink flamingos - or spotlighted just the color pink. Using my handy dandy Life's A Beach cartridge I cut out a few flamingos at 2 1/2 and 3 inches. My bright idea was that I was going to cut off some of the heads and just have them poking in around the card but that just didn't look right. So back to the drawing board I went and after a few thoughts I decided to focus on the one flamingo and created the oval stage for her. Then taking a couple of the smaller flamingos I 'decorated' the inside of my card like this......
And now that you have seen my take on this week's challenge be sure to hop on over to Pause Dream Enjoy to check out all the other great designs our team put together. Then create you own, link up, and play along for your chance to win.
Our Sponsor for this week's challenge is Clear Dollar Stamps! who is offering a $5 Gift Certificate to their store! So come on, what are you waiting for? I can't wait to see what you create.
This week our team put together a bunch of great designs featuring pink flamingos - or spotlighted just the color pink. Using my handy dandy Life's A Beach cartridge I cut out a few flamingos at 2 1/2 and 3 inches. My bright idea was that I was going to cut off some of the heads and just have them poking in around the card but that just didn't look right. So back to the drawing board I went and after a few thoughts I decided to focus on the one flamingo and created the oval stage for her. Then taking a couple of the smaller flamingos I 'decorated' the inside of my card like this......
And now that you have seen my take on this week's challenge be sure to hop on over to Pause Dream Enjoy to check out all the other great designs our team put together. Then create you own, link up, and play along for your chance to win.
Our Sponsor for this week's challenge is Clear Dollar Stamps! who is offering a $5 Gift Certificate to their store! So come on, what are you waiting for? I can't wait to see what you create.
Thank You Teacher
on Thursday, August 16, 2012
Locker Talk,
Thank you
Comments: (0)
Today's card was originally created for a DT challenge over at Just a Scrapping but with my unending headache over the weekend into the first part of the week I go turned around and finished too late to have it included. But that's okay because I can still share it with all of you here!!
For this card I printed the word Thanks on a scrap piece of paper I found. Remember kindergarten? I was thrilled when I realized that the type and size font I chose for this lined up pretty pretty perfect with the paper.
As for my cuts...I used Locker Talk for the ruler and Doodlecharms for my apple. Before adhering the apple to my card though I coated it with a good coating of glossy accents to help give it a little shine.
The buttons are some that I picked up at Walmart quite some time ago. I admit I have a thing for playful buttons and love using them when and where I can as embellishments. Not just on my papercrafting but also on my plastic canvas.
Dogbot Critter Cuttie
on Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Accent Essentials,
Comments: (0)
Happy Wednesday from the always raining sunshine state. Yep, it's another rainy day here in the Panhandle of Florida and I've lost count of how many days of rain we've had lately. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for it because we need it but with all we've had you'd think there was a Tropical Storm over us or something.
But anyhoo, I wanted to share a card with you today that I created for the 114th challenge over at Cricut Cardz Challenge. Our directive today - "Make a card using a “critter” (dog, cat, cow, chicken, duck, horse, etc.) from any cartridge(s), and using any colors or theme you’d like." How easy is that?
As you can see, my critter is the cute little dogbot from the Robotz cartridge. The scalloped squares were cut using Accent Essentials.
And now that you've seen my card for this week's challenge be sure to pop in to take a look at all the other wonderful designs our team made for you this week. Then after you've been amply inspired, create your own design, link up and play along with us. I can't wait to see what you come up with.
But anyhoo, I wanted to share a card with you today that I created for the 114th challenge over at Cricut Cardz Challenge. Our directive today - "Make a card using a “critter” (dog, cat, cow, chicken, duck, horse, etc.) from any cartridge(s), and using any colors or theme you’d like." How easy is that?
As you can see, my critter is the cute little dogbot from the Robotz cartridge. The scalloped squares were cut using Accent Essentials.
And now that you've seen my card for this week's challenge be sure to pop in to take a look at all the other wonderful designs our team made for you this week. Then after you've been amply inspired, create your own design, link up and play along with us. I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Learned a New Stitch - Hat & Scarf Set
on Friday, August 10, 2012
Loom Knitting
Comments: (1)
This has definitely been my week for loom knitting. But don't you worry I've been papercrafting too. I just haven't completed any of the projects I've been working on yet. So stay tuned you'll see them soon enough. ;o)
In the meantime, I wanted to share with you the hat and scarf set I finished up this evening. Both items were stitched using Lion Brand - Tweed Stripes in Woodlands color. For the scarf though I added in a strand of Fun Fur in Aquamarine.
I really like the way they turned out and the best part of all is that the hat was stitched using a new stitch I learned this week called the Figure 8 stitch. If you'd like to learn this easy peasy awesome stitch you can check out the Youtube video here.
Have fun and enjoy.
In the meantime, I wanted to share with you the hat and scarf set I finished up this evening. Both items were stitched using Lion Brand - Tweed Stripes in Woodlands color. For the scarf though I added in a strand of Fun Fur in Aquamarine.
I really like the way they turned out and the best part of all is that the hat was stitched using a new stitch I learned this week called the Figure 8 stitch. If you'd like to learn this easy peasy awesome stitch you can check out the Youtube video here.
Have fun and enjoy.
Willow Slouchy Tam
on Monday, August 6, 2012
Loom Knitting
Comments: (2)
If you have noticed by now I love using variegated yarns. This tam was made using Red Heart soft in Embers Print. The wonderful thing is that it took less than one skein to make this beautiful tam on the Martha Stewart loom.
And with that my fellow bloggers I am off to do some more knitting on a scarf that I currently have on my loom.
Baby's First Birthday
on Friday, August 3, 2012
Baby Steps
Comments: (2)
Happy Friday everyone. I don't know about you but I am thrilled that it is Friday. It has been such a busy week and I am ready for some down time.....
Today I have another challenge to share with you. This one is for the Pause, Dream, Enjoy design team where our challenge this week was to use either a baby or cupcake on our project. So I thought why not use both and create a baby's first birthday card. Pretty smart thinking huh?
I used only one cartridge for this project, and that was the Baby Steps cartridge. This cartridge very quickly became my favorite go to cart for all things baby. It has such a great variety of cuts and the project possibilities are just endless.
But back to the challenge......
Our Sponsor for this week's challenge is Clear Dollar Stamps!. And they are offering a $5 gift certificate to their store. So hop on over to Pause, Dream, Enjoy and check out the other awesome projects that our design team created for this challenge. Then submit your project by Thursday, Aug 9th Midnight EST to be entered for this challenge's prize.
Today I have another challenge to share with you. This one is for the Pause, Dream, Enjoy design team where our challenge this week was to use either a baby or cupcake on our project. So I thought why not use both and create a baby's first birthday card. Pretty smart thinking huh?
I used only one cartridge for this project, and that was the Baby Steps cartridge. This cartridge very quickly became my favorite go to cart for all things baby. It has such a great variety of cuts and the project possibilities are just endless.
But back to the challenge......
Our Sponsor for this week's challenge is Clear Dollar Stamps!. And they are offering a $5 gift certificate to their store. So hop on over to Pause, Dream, Enjoy and check out the other awesome projects that our design team created for this challenge. Then submit your project by Thursday, Aug 9th Midnight EST to be entered for this challenge's prize.
Why Hello...
on Thursday, August 2, 2012
Mickey and Friends,
Paper Doll Dress Up,
Comments: (7)
Happy Thursday everyone. Today's project comes to you courtesy of the Just A Scrappin' design team challenge. This week's challenge puts the spotlight on animals, embossing and buttons. We were allowed to chose any animal we desired so long as we included 3 buttons and some embossing on our project.
For my card I used:
Mickey and Friends for the flower (embossed with swiss dots)
George was used to create the holes on my flower for easier threading of the ribbon
Paper Doll Dress Up for the fox's hat
Zooballoo for the fox dressed up with her little scarf made of eyelash yarn
I had originally designed this card three years ago so I had a lot of fun re-making it. I don't know about you but I tend to save 99% of the designs I've ever made just so that I can go back and re-create them if I wish. It can be a lot of fun to see how the styles change over the years as you learn new techniques and add new tools to your arsenal.
But I digress. Now that you've seen my take on the animal challenge be sure to hop on over to Just A Scrappin to check out the other great designs made by our team. Then after you've been amply inspired create your own project, link up and play along with us.
School is Cool
on Wednesday, August 1, 2012
April Showers,
Autumn Celebrations,
Locker Talk
Comments: (2)
Happy Wednesday everyone. I hope that your's is starting out better than ours. We have once again begun our day with rain. Not that I mind the rain - I just don't like having to drive in it. :::sigh:::
Today I'd like to share a card with you that was created for the School is Cool challenge over at Cardz TV. Our directive this week was to create a back to school card using any cartridges and colors we chose.
I laid out several different designs until I finally decided on this one which came about as I was looking for background paper to use for the others I had in my head. A while back I was 'RAK'd' from one of my groups and part of that RAK was this wonderful page from an old reading primer. Seriously, how much more perfect could this paper be for back to school? Well okay, there are probably others out there but for me this was it!
So off I went designing my new card and for this one I used:
Autumn Celebrations for the glasses (think grandparents day cut)
April Showers for the worm
Locker Talk for the book
After putting my cuts together I decided to place them on an action wobble to add a bit of fun to the card.
And now that you've seen my take on this week's challenge, why not create your own, link up and play along with us? You have until August 14th so get inspired. I can't wait to see what you create.
Today I'd like to share a card with you that was created for the School is Cool challenge over at Cardz TV. Our directive this week was to create a back to school card using any cartridges and colors we chose.
I laid out several different designs until I finally decided on this one which came about as I was looking for background paper to use for the others I had in my head. A while back I was 'RAK'd' from one of my groups and part of that RAK was this wonderful page from an old reading primer. Seriously, how much more perfect could this paper be for back to school? Well okay, there are probably others out there but for me this was it!
So off I went designing my new card and for this one I used:
Autumn Celebrations for the glasses (think grandparents day cut)
April Showers for the worm
Locker Talk for the book
After putting my cuts together I decided to place them on an action wobble to add a bit of fun to the card.
And now that you've seen my take on this week's challenge, why not create your own, link up and play along with us? You have until August 14th so get inspired. I can't wait to see what you create.
About Me

- Blue6366
- I am a mom to 6 wonderful children and wife to an amazing husband. In my spare time I love to craft, workout and participate in any mud/fun run I can find.
Blog Archive
- You're My Super Hero - Birdie Challenge
- Where the Path May Lead - Stairstep Challenge
- Happy Birthday - Color Play Challenge
- Rocket Ride - Published July 2012
- Hot Chocolate Anyone?
- Flocking In....
- Thank You Teacher
- Dogbot Critter Cuttie
- Learned a New Stitch - Hat & Scarf Set
- Willow Slouchy Tam
- Baby's First Birthday
- Why Hello...
- School is Cool
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