REVIEW: Homeless for the Holidays

In a day and age where downsizing and layoffs are plentiful we could all use an encouraging story that will inspire us in some way. Whether we are inspired to have more faith, find joy in the seemingly bad or learn to leave our comfort zone Homeless for the Holidays is that story.

A couple weeks ago I was provided with a free copy of this movie and in return I was asked to review and provide you with an honest review. And I admit there were a couple of scenes where I thought “that’s a little cheesy”. You know what though? That’s okay because this is a story that speaks to the heart and asks some tough questions.

While watching this movie I couldn’t help but notice some similarities to my family as we have struggled with layoffs before. And while it’s never easy to walk such a path it’s manageable when we learn to listen to the Lord and do as He guides us. For some us it might come only after we’ve fallen as low as we feel we can go – much like the main character, Jack Baker, in Homeless for the Holidays. Hopefully then we have learned what it truly important in life.

So would I recommend this movie? Yes! Absolutely I would. It might not be a huge Hollywood production but it’s a huge production that is laying up its treasures in Heaven.


Cards and Crafts by Sheree said...

There are so many things we take for granted and it is so nice to be reminded and thankful of our blessings this time of year. Listening to the Lord is hard to do sometimes...but He knows our hearts and what is best for us. Thank you for sharing this with us, I cannot wait to see it.