Hey Look, It's Woody

I was strolling through Etsy the other day when I stumbled across this shop called Thanks4theAdventure.  The owner has all sorts of great designs for applique and embroidery and what I found most intriguing was that she has "sketches".  I've never stitched anything like that before but I was willing to give it a try to see how I liked it.
Knowing that I had this green, plaid looking fabric I needed to turn into a boyish burp cloth I searched for what I thought would be a good file to try.  That's when I found Woody.  I thought the colors needed would be perfect for this fabric, and after getting it all stitched out I'd say I was right.  🙂
I really liked the way that this sketch stitched out.  It didn't get lost in the fabric and you can tell who it's supposed to be.  Yep, I do believe I'll be stitching out more of these type files on my projects.  Best of all I love that it brings another variation to the crafting table.