Dear Santa

This is another quick and easy card that I put together last night.  I just LOVE Christmas and have all these ideas running around in my head.  Now I just need the time to start committing them to Design Studio or my Gypsy.

In the meantime I created this card by beginning with my computer to create a couple of letters to Santa.  I found this great font called Darlin BTN which I used because it looks just like a child's handwriting.  The hardest part in writing these letters was deciding which words to misspell.  Well okay, it was also difficult remembering what a 6 and 8 year old would ask Santa for - even though I wasn't sure what parts of the letter would be visible when the card was complete.

Once the letters were printed I cut them down to place on my cutting mat so that I could use Graphically Speaking to cut the paper to look like it came from a notebook of some kind.

I also used Winter Frolic for my Santa and the verbiage.  And I must say that I'm happy that I finally broke down and bought this cartridge.  I've toyed around with that decision for the last year so it was about time that I made one.  lol